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ISAV 2022: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization

Held in conjunction with: SC22, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

Sunday 13 November 2022, 8:30am – 12:00pm CST, Room C143-149

ISAV 2022 Proceedings online at IEEE Explore

Workshop Theme

The considerable interest in the HPC community regarding in situ analysis and visualization is due to several factors. First is an I/O cost savings, where data is analyzed/visualized while being generated, without first storing to a file system. Second is the potential for increased accuracy, where fine temporal sampling of transient analysis might expose some complex behavior missed in coarse temporal sampling. Third is the ability to use all available resources, CPUs and accelerators, in the computation of analysis products.

The workshop brings together researchers, developers and practitioners from industry, academia, and government laboratories developing, applying, and deploying in situ methods in extreme-scale, high performance computing. The goal is to present research findings, lessons learned, and insights related to developing and applying in situ methods and infrastructure across a range of science and engineering applications in HPC environments; to discuss topics like opportunities presented by new architectures, existing infrastructure needs, requirements, and gaps, and experiences to foster and enable in situ analysis and visualization; to serve as a “center of gravity” for researchers, practitioners, and users/consumers of in situ methods and infrastructure in the HPC space.

Participation/Call for Papers

The ISAV 2022 CFP is available at online and describes the topic areas of interest, the submission process, and the review process.


Publication in proceedings, presentation at the workshop

All paper submissions that receive favorable reviews will be included as part of the workshop proceedings, which will be published by the IEEE Computer Society (more details will be forthcoming).

Timeline/Important Dates

12 Aug 2022 Paper submission deadline (was 5 Aug 2022)
09 Sep 2022 Author notification
30 Sep 2022 Author doing remote presentation upload video recording of their talk (note: this deadline is FIRM)
30 Sep 2022 Camera ready copy due (note: this deadline is FIRM)
13 Nov 2022 ISAV’22 workshop at SC22, morning session

Committees and Chairs


Organizing Committee

Program Committee

Best Paper Committee

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