ISAV Homepage

ISAV 2024: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization

In conjunction with:
SC24, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

Sunday, 17 November 2024, 2 pm - 5:30 pm EDT

Workshop Theme

As HPC platforms and applications increase significantly in size, complexity, and heterogeneity, one major challenge is the widening gap between computation and our ability to gain insight from extreme-scale data and make timely, data-driven decisions. A well-known, yet challenging, approach is in situ processing – performing as much analysis as possible while computed data is still resident in memory.

This is the 10th year of the In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV) workshop. We celebrate that in situ processing has evolved from research efforts to a central component in supercomputer, cloud and edge applications. In situ methods are in high demand: in system-scale 3D visualization for the latest Exascale supercomputers, in cloud products providing responsive user experiences, in tightly coupled digital twins, and in computational sciences. Each one of these examples has a different set of requirements in response time, data throughput and complexity of data pipelines, and more exploration in the in situ space is needed to address multifaceted goals: (1) to preserve important elements of simulations, (2) to significantly reduce the data needed to preserve these elements, (3) to offer as much flexibility as possible for post-processing exploration, and (4) to accelerate the gathering of insights to be fast enough to make timely decisions based on it.

ISAV is a community of in situ developers, practitioners, researchers, and users of in situ methods and infrastructure, connecting industry, government laboratories, and academia across all career levels. Through presentations and discussions of research findings, lessons learned, and early ideas, ISAV illuminates new requirements and gaps driven by science and engineering applications, and fosters the community members and knowledge base around the development and application of in situ methods with its peer-reviewed proceedings.

Participation/Call for Papers

We invite two types of submissions to ISAV 2024: short papers and lightning talks. (1) short, 5-page (+references) papers present research results, that identify opportunities or challenges, and present case studies/best practices for in situ methods/infrastructure in the areas of data management, analysis and visualization; Short papers will appear in the workshop proceedings and authors will be invited to give an oral presentation of 15 to 20 minutes; (2) lightning presentation submissions, consisting of a 1- or 2-page (+references) submission, and a brief oral presentation of 5 to 10 minutes at the workshop. Lightning round submissions are not included in the workshop proceedings.

Submissions of both types are welcome that fall within one or more areas of interest. Areas of interest for ISAV include, but are not limited to:

For the submissions we are not only looking for success stories, but are also particularly interested in those experiments that started with a certain goal or idea in mind, but later were shattered by reality or insufficient hardware/software. What in situ methods are used or needed in practice of scientific/academic/industry with HPC, cloud and edge computing? What are the reasons for adoption or avoidance of methods and products and where should in situ processing go from here?

Review Process

All submissions will undergo a peer-review process consisting of three reviews by experts in the field, and evaluated according to relevance to the workshop theme, technical soundness, creativity, originality, and impact of method/results. Lightning round submissions will be evaluated primarily for relevance to the workshop.

Submission Process

Authors are invited to submit papers of at most 5 pages in PDF format, excluding references, and lightning presentations of at most 2 pages in PDF format, excluding references. Papers must be submitted in PDF format (readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 and higher) and formatted for 8.5in x 11in (U.S. Letter).

In earlier editions of the workshop a +1 spillover page for references was granted during review. Note that this changed and is now 5 + 1 from the beginning.

All authors must use the new proceedings templates and the CCS2012 guide that are available at:

We believe that reproducible science is essential, and that SC should be a leader in this effort. As a consequence, ISAV 2024 participates in the SC reproducibility initiative and encourages submitters to include an appendix with reproducibility information. While we will not disqualify a paper based on information provided or not provided in this appendix, nor if the appendix is not available, the availability and quality of an appendix will be used in ranking a paper. For more information, see the ISAV reproducibility FAQ.

Papers must be self-contained and provide the technical substance required for the program committee to evaluate their contributions. Submitted papers must be original work that has not appeared in and is not under consideration for another conference or a journal.

Papers may be submitted using this link (login required). A preview of the paper submission form is available at this link.

Publication in proceedings, presentation at the workshop

All paper submissions that receive favorable reviews will be included as part of the workshop proceedings, which will be published. Lightning round submissions and the keynote speaker abstract will not be included as part of the proceedings. Subject to the constraints of workshop length, some subset of the accepted publications will be invited to give a brief oral presentation at the workshop. The exact number of such presentations and their length will be determined after the review process has been completed.

Last year’s ISAV 2023 Proceedings are online.

Timeline/Important Dates

02 Aug 2024 Paper submission deadline
09 Aug 2024 Paper submission deadline (extended)
14 Aug 2024 Paper submission deadline (second extension)
06 Sep 2024 Author notification
27 Sep 2024 Camera ready copy due (note: this deadline is FIRM)
Nov 2024 ISAV’24 workshop at SC24

Committees and Chairs


Organizing Committee

Program Committee

To be announced soon

Best Paper Committee


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